很緊張的約了TONY 他答應下禮拜二一起吃飯


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不知道重來幾百次了 好煩

革命尚未成功阿 同志仍須努力!!

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還不習慣每天寫日記 所以都會忘記.....


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今天上插花課的時候 不知道為什麼心情很好

我發現 我的笑容可以感染大家 抑或 我跟平常反差太大?

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我自覺悲觀太久 我不能讓負面能量包覆我

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This is the last week, I am so glad that I have joined the game till now:)

In this year, I always wonder if I were a mother (,or the one who has to cook each meal every day in a family ) I could cook more dishes.

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I love rice flour noodles, no matter how it is cooked.

I have magic sesame oil ginger and I wanted to have rice flour noodles as my dinner last night.

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It has not been real cold yet since this winter.

I'm even not sure it is winter now...

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那年 剛從研究所畢業 在南部找了好久的工作 最後 還是決定回台北

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I am not good at estimation......

I had a big glass to contain the sesame oil ginger.

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