Avocados are expensive fruit in Taiwan.
I seldom have it.
When I was a college student, I loved avocados pudding milk and drank it often.
but it cost a lot for me.
Meeting Avocados again, even they are still more expensive then other fruit, I can make it become different delicious dish and desserts:)
I love avocados:D
Ugly but yum avocado egg.
From: TruffleRose: 「吃飯」酪梨蛋
Avodado ice cream was so special!!
And different from original recipe, I added soybean milk in it.
Good to eat!!
From: TruffleRose: 「愛吃冰」用煉乳做冰淇淋。酪梨冰淇淋(免攪拌、不用冰淇淋機)
How is it taste in the A-sha noodles?
I swear you can try it!!
From: TruffleRose: 「青菜吃」麻辣阿舍。酪梨